I'm almost back to normal. 103 degree temperatures, pneumonia, kidney stones.
it was a roller-coaster of a week, touch and go there for awhile, but the doctor says he thinks I'm gonna make it.
I've never watched so much TV in my life, Netflix was the best thing that ever happened to me. Not to brag, but I watched four seasons of Keeping up with the Kardashians, one season of Kourtney and Khloe take Miami, one season of Heroes (turns out I'm not that into sci-fi), two seasons of Hoarders, two seasons of Pawn Stars and one season of Cake Boss. I wasn't sleeping much, turns out I was too sick to sleep. I had my kidney stone on Tuesday and it was the worst.
I really can't stand the "?" at the top of the screen, but can't make it go away. help me.
turning 24 tomorrow. not excited. good news, the guy at the grocery store thought I was 12.
grocery store guy: so when are you graduating from school?
me: in the spring
grocery store guy: oh that's awesome, do you think you're gonna go to BYU
me: ummm. no, noooo...I'm graduating from college
grocery store guy: REALLY?
I'm 12. I look like I'm 12. class of 2011, hollerrrrrrr.
I'm hired. after being full time unemployed for over two years, I am a workin' woman. starting February 1 in Salt Lake City, I will be working as a marketing coordinator over the visual arts of the at home learning division at the waterford research institute. what up grown up life.
sidenote: that means I'm moving to Salt Lake. if you know of any normal girls looking for a normal roommate in SLC, let me know. I'm tired of people requiring me to be gay friendly.
so glad the Bachelor is back, what a blessing.
black eye Michelle is straight crazy, and it turns out she cheated on her husband with Carlos Boozer. gross. I don't normally condone violence, but if one of those girls did punch her, I'm totally on board. She is a psychopath.
Chantal O. is sometimes pretty, but wears way too much makeup. And Brad, "I've been waiting soooo long to take Chantal on a one on one?" In Bachelor TV time it's been a total of like eight days. Maybe its like EFY and it feels like so much longer than the week you're there. Chantal wins though when she points out that Michelle's date card doesn't say "love" in it. hilarious.
Emily is a true gem, I'm not even sure that Brad deserves her, and I'm so sad for next week's episode. So traumatic. I'm just glad the vampire is gone. and Jake is slower and dumber than I remembered.
following the kidney stones, I was diet coke free for over one week. not only was it not an option, it didn't even sound good. now, I can't stop thinking about them. good idea or bad idea?